What is Technical Assistance?

Technical Assistance (TA) is individualized support for eligible applicants to apply for and use Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) grant funding. Through EPA’s Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights (OEJECR), funding has been made available to eligible entities to receive TA through all stages of the Community Change Grants Process.

All conversations with your Technical Assistance Provider are confidential and will not be shared with EPA.

What Technical Assistance is not:

  • Technical Assistance providers cannot write your application for you.
  • Technical Assistance does not guarantee your project will be funded by the EPA.

What Technical Assistance is:

Farm Greenhouse and Handshake of People for Deal

  • Expertise provided by engineers, budget and grant experts, and others, who can walk with you through the application process and offer support in capacity building, project planning, implementation, reporting, and more.
  • Once you are approved to receive TA, EnDyna will match you with a Lead Technical Assistance Provider (LTP) and work with you to determine the types of experts you will need to put your application together.
  • Examples of just some of the types of assistance available through the Community Change Grants Technical Assistance (CCG TA) program:
    • Collaborative participation from idea to submission
    • Project design
    • Defining eligibility
    • Clarifying partnerships
    • Connecting similar organizations
    • Meeting threshold requirements
    • Developing calendar of deliverables
    • Finding the right project for your community
    • Navigating financial disclosure requirements
    • Financial management planning
    • Developing budgets
    • Procurement of labor and supplies
    • Providing best practices for good governance
    • Engineering assistance
    • Developing your community implementation plan
    • Climate Action Strategy
    • Pollution Reduction Strategy
    • Community Engagement Strategy
    • Community Strength Plan
    • Readiness Approach
    • Compliance Plan
    • Review of draft application
    • Translating final application drafts from Spanish into English
    • Guidance for oral presentation
    • Project implementation