As an addition to the other tools on this site, we created this Resource Guide to enable you to find and connect to a wide variety of online federal resources and tools that can be helpful to Community Change Grant (CCG) applicants.

The Resource Guide is organized into the nine topics below. Click on a topic and you will see it is further divided into subtopics with multiple entries that include the resource name, link to the site, a sentence to explain what the applicants can use the resource to achieve, and a short description of the resource. Where possible, we have included links in the short descriptions to other useful materials such as user guides, technical support documents, training materials, and more. Some resources, such as data sources or computer models, may require a technical background. These more technical resources are noted in their description.

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You must create an account on to apply for a Community Change Grant. is a central registry used by organizations that work with the federal government. It stores details about grant recipients and allows them to update their information in one place. To apply for a grant, start by making a user account on and getting a Unique Entity ID. If you need assistance, you can reach out to the Federal Service Desk. You need to renew your SAM registration every year.

You must submit an application through to apply for a Community Change Grant (CCG).

You must create an account at in order to apply for a federal grant. To use, you must first register on and get a Unique Entity ID. After you get the Unique Entity ID for your organization from, return to to continue the registration process. This step must be completed in order to submit your grant application. Visit Learn Grants to find information about every phase of the grant management process, from applying and reporting, to closing out the grant.

You can use this webpage for guidance and resources to help you apply for grants.

The How to Apply for Grants page offers links to every step of the grant process: Learn, Check, Search, Register, Apply, and Track. Additionally, it provides supplementary resources like Applicant Eligibility, Applicant Registration, Applicant Training, and Applicant FAQs.

You can use this tool to find federal grants that you can apply for.

This webpage shows all available federal grant opportunities. You can search for funding by keyword, funding type, eligible organizations, topic, or government agency. To learn more about a specific opportunity, simply click on its opportunity number link.

You can use this page to receive notifications about new grant opportunities.

Subscribing to Opportunities at sends the user notifications when an agency posts a new funding opportunity or makes changes to an existing one.

You can use this presentation as guidance to help prepare a successful grant application for Tribal Clean Energy Projects.

This Department of Energy webinar focuses on clean energy grants for tribal communities. You can also find useful, step-by-step instructions about preparing a grant application. Skip to about one hour into the presentation to go directly to this information.

You can use this page to learn more about the Community Change Grants Program.

The EPA has a new funding opportunity called the Community Change Grants Program. It offers $2 billion to help disadvantaged communities deal with pollution and climate change challenges. These grants will help make neighborhoods cleaner and safer. They will also help communities get ready for extreme weather and learn how to solve environmental problems. This page also includes Frequently Asked Questions and other essential information.

You can use this page to learn more about all EPA grants programs.

The EPA Grants Program page offers tools for potential grant applicants, including EPA Grants Overview for Applicants and Recipients. From small, nonprofit organizations to state governments, EPA awards more than $4 billion in funding for grants and other assistance every year. EPA grants can help your community achieve its environmental goals.

You can use this page to find answers to common questions about the Community Change Grants Program.

The Community Change Grants Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page lets users search the FAQs using keywords. Questions are also grouped into categories to help users who want to learn more about a specific part of the Community Change Grants process (such as the application process or scoring and evaluation).

This document lays out the Community Change Grant funding opportunity.

The Community Change Grant NOFO is a description of the available grant funding, and potential applicants should read it carefully. Important items in the NOFO include details on who can apply, submission information, funding deadlines, and contact information. Additionally, the NOFO includes appendices that applicants can review for clarification on grant details and application requirements, as well as climate action and pollution reduction strategies and examples.

You can use this webinar to see an overview of the Community Change Grants program.

This webinar is a good orientation and provides basic information on the Community Change Grant program and answers questions about the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). Follow-up webinars discuss additional areas of the Community Change Grants program, which can be found here: Webinar Recordings | CCTA (

You can use this webinar to see an overview of the EPA Environmental and Climate Justice Grants Programs.

This webinar gives basic information on the Environmental and Climate Justice Grants Programs and technical assistance offered through the EPA's Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights. This overview describes the grants program and the tools available to communities and interested stakeholders.

You can use this link to send an email and sign up for the EPA-EJ email list. You will receive emails about funding opportunities, upcoming meetings, events, and other EJ topics and activities.

Send an email (the body can be blank) to the email address above and you will automatically be subscribed to the EPA’s Environmental Justice email list.

You can use this mapping tool to describe your community’s EJ challenges and create a Project Area Map.

EJScreen is a tool that maps environmental justice (EJ) information. It has data on demographics and the environment. There are 13 environmental indicators, 7 socioeconomic indicators, and 13 EJ indexes in EJScreen. Users, particularly CCG Track I applicants, can create Project Area Maps using EJScreen. It also has a map showing communities eligible for the Community Change Grant (CCG) program, based on the EPA IRA Disadvantaged Communities map. You can learn how to use EJScreen here:

You can use this tool to describe your community’s challenges and compare your community to other communities nationwide.

The Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool (CEJST) has a map that shows if a specific area has issues in at least one of eight categories. These include climate change, energy, health, housing, pollution, transportation, water, and job opportunities. Data from all 50 states and U.S. territories are included, broken down by census tracts using boundaries from 2010. The tool rates how much burden each tract has compared to others using percentiles.

You can use this tool to obtain useful data to describe environmental issues within your community.

EPA's MyEnvironment tool provides personalized environmental info based on your location in the U.S. It includes data on air and water quality, permitted facilities, climate, energy, and pollutants released.

You can use this tool to describe your community’s challenges related to how close you are to a Superfund site.

The EPA's Superfund program tackles highly polluted land from hazardous waste, often dumped or managed improperly. These sites range from factories to landfills. If a site is very contaminated, it gets put on the NPL. This tool shows where these sites are in the U.S., whether they're already on the list, proposed for it, or removed from it.

You can use this manual to learn how to check if people who live near a hazardous waste site are being exposed to toxic substances, if that exposure is harmful, and what you can do to stop or reduce exposure.

The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) created the PHAGM to help assess if people near a hazardous waste site are being exposed to harmful substances, and how to reduce this exposure. You can register with an email and password to access eight training modules with case studies, exercises, and useful resources.

You can use this tool to look at the intersection of food access, public health, and social and economic factors, which can help develop strategies to improve community health outcomes.

The USDA's Food Environment Atlas is a data tool offering statistics and graphics about food access, choices, and health outcomes in the U.S. It provides county-level information on indicators like grocery store access, availability of farmers' markets, food prices, insecurity rates, dietary choices, and health outcomes. Community organizers and others can use it to understand food-related issues and plan strategies to improve food access. A Data Training Webinar is available that provides an overview of the Food Environment Atlas as well as a tutorial on how to find and use the data.

You can use this map to see if your community is considered a disadvantaged community for eligibility to receive a Track I Community Change Grant.

Use this map to determine whether your community is considered disadvantaged for the purposes of a Community Change Grants Track I project.

You can use this website to view demographic, economic, and population data on your community.

The Department of Commerce’s (DOC’s) Census Bureau produces data about the nation’s people and economy. Here you can access the demographic, economic, and population data for your community. You can view statistics for your state, county, or town; generate tables and maps; and access other data tools and resources.

You can use this mapping tool to describe challenges related to planning and policy decisions and develop strategies to help guide ecosystem preservation and restoration efforts.

Ecosystems provide many benefits to humans, such as clean air, clean water, climate stability, food, hazard reduction, recreation, and many others. These benefits from nature are called ecosystem services. The data incorporates demographics and is presented at national and community levels. Training and tutorial videos are available to help you learn how to use the map.

You can use this inventory to describe challenges related to sources and trends of air pollution and develop strategies to address them.

EPA’s NEI is a national collection of air emissions estimates of pollutants from numerous sources including point (such as large industrial facilities), nonpoint (such as residential heating and asphalt paving), on-road (such as vehicles), nonroad (such as locomotives), and fire (such as wildfires and agricultural operations) sources. Every three years, EPA releases a detailed summary report that describes air emission sources and trends across the U.S.

You can use this data center to describe challenges related to GHG emissions from natural and human-caused sources in your community and develop strategies to address them.

The Greenhouse Gas Center is a multi-agency effort that consolidates GHG information from observations and models. Experts have built a catalog of GHG datasets and analysis tools, which users may access, explore, analyze, and download. You may also explore the Data Catalog for additional insight into GHG sources, sinks, emissions, changes, and events.

You can use this tool to view local, state, and national level data on environmental issues and how these relate to public health.

CDC’s Interactive Data Explorer Tool offers access to local, state, and national level data and information on environmental hazards, exposures, human health, and population characteristics to better understand the relationship between the environment and public health. Users can access data such as maps, charts, tables, and infographics.

You can use this tool to view a snapshot of some of the environmental health issues for your community, by county.

Center for Disease Control’s Info by Location Tool allows users to see which environmental health issues affect a particular area. Results are provided at the county level. You can also search by zip code if you are unsure of the county name.

A community can use the information in this website to analyze trends related to wildfires, aiding in understanding the impact of climate change on fire activity and informing mitigation efforts.

The Department of Interior's (DOI) National Interagency Fire Center releases yearly reports dating back to 2008 that summarizes wildfire data. These reports cover details like fire size, location, cause, and their impacts on the environment, economy, and society. While they often focus on regions rather than specific communities, they're useful for understanding climate-related challenges shown by wildfires across the U.S.

A community can use this report to guide local initiatives and collaborations aimed at addressing the challenges posed by climate change. The information in this report is not location-specific, but can be used to understand general climate challenges.

The U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) brings together 15 federal agencies working to advance understanding of the changing Earth system. USGCRP provides tools, and resources to help people and organizations manage risks and waste and respond to changing environmental conditions. These reports can be used to understand how climate change affects the lives of those in the United States and navigate the challenges of a changing environment and identify opportunities for a more resilient future. Note that this resource does not provide community specific information.

A community can use this interactive tool to access comprehensive information on water quality to describe potential environmental challenges and to aid in strategies-making to safeguard water resources and public health.

The USGS National Water Dashboard is an interactive tool providing real-time data on water resources like lakes, streams, and groundwater from over 13,000 stations across the country. However, these sensors might not be in your specific area, so the data may not reflect your community directly. You can download data up to a week old to track environmental changes and assess risks like wildfires and flooding.

A community can use the tools and resources in this website to assess their vulnerability to climate change, identify adaptation and resilience strategies, and take action to build resilience.

This initiative is part of the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP). The website covers topics like extreme weather, rising sea levels, droughts, floods, and heatwaves. It offers access to hundreds of tools and resources for different sectors and regions, like agriculture, coastal areas, health, tribal nations, and infrastructure.

A community can use these resources to assess, plan, and implement green infrastructure and nature-based strategies, focusing on the management of stormwater, improving water quality, and enhancing urban resilience.

This toolkit offers eight resources developed by the EPA to help communities deal with stormwater runoff, a big pollution source in cities. While cities used to rely on gray infrastructure like pipes, they're now turning to green solutions like rainwater harvesting and permeable pavements for environmental, social, and economic benefits. These resources combine green and gray methods to help communities manage water sustainably and cope better with climate change. There's also a 5-minute video explaining each resource and more training materials available on the site.

A tribal community can use this website to learn more about green products and buildings and funding opportunities and read success stories about similar projects.

This website focuses on green building, or sustainable design, tailored to tribal communities. It offers links to learn about green products, funding, and success stories. There's also a Tribal Green Building Toolkit with case studies to help prioritize building projects for your tribal community.

A community can watch this video to learn about current nature-based solutions that worked for other communities across the U.S. These examples may be helpful in planning climate resilience projects in your community.

This EPA Watershed Academy webcast highlights how nature-based solutions can help communities adapt to climate change and offer other advantages. Experts from different parts of the country will share their experiences with nature-based projects aimed at enhancing climate resilience. Topics include restoring, protecting, and managing natural ecosystems.

You can use this website to learn about successful green infrastructure projects funded by the U.S. EPA.

This website is EPA’s home page for its G3 Program. Here you can learn more about G3, review how you could apply G3 to your community, learn about G3 funding opportunities, and read success stories about other G3 projects. Additional resources include webcasts, podcasts, blogs, guides, and publications related to G3.

A community can use this model to describe their community emissions challenges and develop transportation and air quality strategies to address emission challenges. The model is designed for technical professionals.

EPA's MOVES is a modeling system that estimates emissions from vehicles nationwide, down to county and project levels. It covers commonly found air pollutants, greenhouse gases, and air toxics.

A community can use this tool to see how different proposed energy related policies and strategies might affect county-level changes in emissions.

This website hosts EPA's AVERT, which helps users evaluate how energy policies and projects impact county-level emissions. Projects may involve energy efficiency, renewable energy deployments that cut down on generation, or policies increasing generation needs like electric vehicles and energy storage. Data is provided at regional, state, and county levels. The Microsoft Excel version of the tool has more input and output display options, available data years and step-by-step instructions, a detailed AVERT user guide, and tutorial.

A community can use this tool to develop and optimize strategies incorporating energy efficiency to benefit air quality and public health. The tool is designed for technical professionals.

EPA's ESIST is an Excel-based planning tool for analyzing energy efficiency (EE) programs. It helps assess energy savings, costs, and impacts on emissions, public health, and equity. Users can customize inputs like EE goals and budgets to study areas like states, utility types, or customer sectors. This tool is particularly useful for evaluating EE programs targeting low-income households and their benefits on energy burden and public health. Communities can use ESIST to develop effective energy-saving strategies by comparing savings, costs, and pollution reduction.

This tool contains tips for reducing pollution from vehicles and engines.

This website provides an overview of air pollution issues that cause harmful health effects and climate change because of using vehicles and engines for transportation.

You can use this site to learn about vehicles that are more efficient.

EPA developed the Green Vehicle Guide to help you find information on vehicles that are more efficient and pollute less.

A tribal community can use this tool to describe their community’s GHG emission challenges and develop strategies to address GHG emission challenges in different sectors.

EPA's Tribal Greenhouse Gas Inventory is a spreadsheet tool that calculates greenhouse gas emissions for many sectors including residential, commercial, transportation, and waste and water management. It has two modules: one for community-wide inventories and another for tribal government operations. This tool helps Tribes quickly compile GHG inventories, which serve as a baseline for assessing changes from proposed strategies.

A community can use this tool to describe their community challenges related to areas of potential air quality issues and develop strategies to address air quality challenges.

This tool shows the types of heating fuel used across the United States. It combines data from the U.S. Census Bureau's 2022 American Community Survey with census tract boundaries to create the display. It also includes layers for electric service territories by retailer type and tribal lands boundaries. Users can see both utility and non-utility fuel use, like wood or propane, along with electricity and solar use. Identifying areas with non-utility fuel use can help target air quality improvement strategies, such as replacing wood stoves or transitioning to electric heating.

A tribal community can use this website to learn more about green products and buildings and funding opportunities and read success stories about similar projects.

This website focuses on green building, or sustainable design, tailored to tribal communities. It offers links to learn about green products, funding, and success stories. There's also a Tribal Green Building Toolkit with case studies to help prioritize building projects for your Tribal community.

A community can use this tool to describe their community electrical emissions challenges and develop strategies to address these emission challenges. The site is designed for technical professionals.

EPA's Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database (eGRID) offers extensive data on the environmental aspects of nearly all electricity produced in the U.S. This includes emissions, generation rates, heat input, fuel mix, and other details. The eGRID Explorer allows users to explore data visually, download complete datasets, and export maps and graphics. The eGRID’s home page provides access to summary data downloads, GIS spatial data, reports, technical guidance, FAQs, and more.

A community can use this tool to describe their community electrical emissions challenges and develop strategies to address these emission challenges. The site is designed for technical professionals.

EPA's Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database (eGRID) offers extensive data on the environmental aspects of nearly all electricity produced in the U.S. This includes emissions, generation rates, heat input, fuel mix, and other details. The eGRID Explorer allows users to explore data visually, download complete datasets, and export maps and graphics. The eGRID’s home page provides access to summary data downloads, GIS spatial data, reports, technical guidance, FAQs, and more.

You can use this site to describe the type of energy generated and consumed within your area, and to help explore strategies and options for renewable energy.

This tool developed by the Energy Information Administration (EIA) allows users to access data related to electricity generation, use, prices, and other aspects of the nation’s electricity sector. Users can search data by time, location (by state), type of electricity generation (such as coal, fossil fuel, hydro, or solar), and more.

You can use this tool to learn about the power plants in your area and their emissions.

This tool identifies the locations of power plants and provides information on power plant emissions and plant usage. It also provides information about the people living within three miles of those plants. The map includes all fossil fuel-fired power plants that supply electricity to the grid.

A community can use the information in this website to analyze trends related to wildfires, aiding in understanding the impact of climate change on fire activity and informing mitigation efforts.

The Department of Interior’s (DOI) National Interagency Fire Center provides annual reports (dating from 2008) that summarize wildfire statistics. These reports contain information on wildfires such as size, location, and cause of the fires. Also shown are the environmental, economic, and social impacts of wildfires. Information is often available on a regional scale and may not be specific to individual communities.

A community can use this report to guide local initiatives aimed at addressing the challenges posed by climate change. The information in this report is not community-specific but can be used to understand general climate challenges.

The U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) brings together 15 federal agencies working to advance understanding of the changing Earth system. USGCRP provides tools and resources to help people and organizations manage risks and waste, and respond to changing environmental conditions. These reports can be used to understand how climate change affects the lives of those in the U.S. navigate the challenges of a changing environment and identify opportunities for a more resilient future. Note that this resource does not provide community-specific information.

A community can use this tool to view regional level climate change risks and see how other communities have been successful in addressing those risks. 

The ARC-X is a useful tool for viewing information at the regional level about risks posed by climate change to your issues of concern; relevant adaptation strategies; case studies illustrating how other communities have successfully adapted to those risks and tools to replicate their success; and EPA funding opportunities. Users select a region and area of interest (air, water, waste, public health, or adaptation planning) and the tool provides them with relevant links to visit.

You can use this tool to access climate predictions, which will help you make informed decisions and take proactive measures to address the impacts of climate change.

This portal of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) allows users to explore climate forecasts, monitoring, and assessments of climate conditions on timescales from weeks to years. Here you can find a variety of climate data, including current and historical climate records (temperature, precipitation, snow, wind), seasonal outlooks, drought monitoring, and other climate-related variables.

You can use this tool to describe climate challenges in your community and develop strategies to handle the impacts on people and the environment.

This tool mostly contains state-level data on a variety of climate change indicators including increases in temperature, heat waves, and drought. In some cases, the data goes down to the sub-state level. These indicators can provide evidence and links to observed climate changes. Visit EPA's Climate Change Indicators home page to find answers to frequently asked questions, access publications, and learn about the impacts of climate change.

A community can use this website to view active or completed cleanups and grants in a geographic area they choose.

This website features an interactive map of the contiguous 48 United States, Alaska, and Hawaii. You can explore active or completed cleanups and grants by entering a street address, coordinates, zip code, city, county, state, EPA region, or congressional district. Results can also be viewed as a downloadable Excel file. The cleanup and grant programs are searchable by Brownfields Properties, Hazardous Waste – Corrective Actions, National Priority List (NPL) Superfund sites, and non-NPL Superfund sites.

A community can use this tool to determine whether it may be impacted by hazardous waste cleanup activities.

EPA's Cleanups in My Community site allows users to map and list hazardous waste cleanup sites and Brownfield grant areas. You can access a map showing all cleanup types across the U.S. and specific national maps for each cleanup type, such as Superfund, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), and Brownfields. These interactive maps help you understand if your community might be affected by hazardous waste cleanup efforts and provide more information about them. A link to EPA's Cleanups and Grants Listing Page is provided where you may obtain a listing of cleanups or grant areas within a geographic area of interest.

A community can use this tool to check whether any industrial facilities may be contributing to pollution levels in their location.

Pollution Prevention (P2) involves practices that stop or reduce pollution before it's recycled, treated, or disposed of. EPA has a mapping tool to help identify industrial facilities that might be adding to pollution in a chosen area, especially in communities with environmental justice concerns. The tool focuses on five industrial sectors: food and beverage, chemical, automotive, aerospace, and metal manufacturing. For more resources, including case studies and webinars, visit EPA's P2 home page.

A community can use this toolkit to develop and implement waste management programs, promote recycling, reduce waste, and advance environmental sustainability.

The toolkit analyzes data related to recycling programs to estimate the economic benefits associated with recycling. These benefits could include job creation, business growth, and cost savings. This tool is part of the EPA Circular Economy topic:

You can use this tool to identify best practices for waste management to consider adding to your project.

The Managing and Transforming Waste Streams Tool features a table of 100 activities communities can engage in to reduce waste and recover materials. You can use the tool to sort, search, and/or filter through best practices for waste management policies, programs, sectors, and materials that will allow you to create a list of strategies that fit your community's needs and capabilities.

You can use this model to develop strategies that include energy efficiency and greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction and choose the best strategies to benefit emissions and energy savings. 

WARM provides comparative estimates of potential greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), energy savings, and economic impacts of materials management practices such as recycling, composting, landfilling, etc. The model estimates emissions, energy units, and economic factors across a range of common waste materials. This tool helps you calculate associated GHG reduction and energy savings benefits.

You can use this website to find partners to add to your project. You can also find a useful tool for measuring and tracking energy and water consumption as well as greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

This website provides information on EPA’s WasteWise Program, part of its Sustainable Materials Management efforts, that promotes the use and reuse of materials over their lifecycles. Here you can view a list of organizations recognized for their outstanding leadership in waste prevention and diversion, which may help you identify partners to add to your project. There is also a link to EPA’s ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, an online tool to measure and track energy and water consumption as well as GHG emissions. You can use Portfolio Manager metrics to compare your building’s energy use to a yearly baseline, national medians, or similar buildings in your portfolio.

A community can use this toolkit to develop and implement waste management programs, promote recycling, reduce waste, and advance environmental sustainability.

The toolkit analyzes data to estimate the economic benefits associated with recycling. These benefits could include job creation, business growth, and cost savings. This tool is part of the EPA Circular Economy topic:

You can use this toolkit to learn more about methods to reduce food waste in your community, saving residents money and reducing food waste.

This toolkit is a resource for Community Based Organizations (CBOs), local governments, and those who want to start a campaign to prevent food waste in their communities. It is focused on reducing wasted food in the home. The toolkit includes a planning process that uses social marketing principles to ensure communities are tailoring the campaign to their individual needs.

This report has recommendations of key items to include in a workforce development program.

This report provides information on EPA's Brownfields Job Training Program. The report lists five critical components to include in job training and other workforce development programs. Case studies illustrate characteristics of successful job training programs.

A community can use the tools and resources in this website to assess their vulnerability to climate change, identify adaptation and resilience strategies, and take action to build resilience.

This initiative is part of the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP). The website covers topics like extreme weather, rising sea levels, droughts, floods, and heatwaves. It offers access to hundreds of tools and resources for different sectors and regions, like agriculture, coastal areas, health, infrastructure, and Tribal nations.

A tribal community can use this website to learn more about green products and buildings and funding opportunities and read success stories about similar projects.

This website focuses on green building, or sustainable design, tailored to Tribal communities. It offers links to learn about green products, funding, and success stories. There's also a Tribal Green Building Toolkit with case studies to help prioritize building projects for your Tribal community.

A community can use this model to describe their community health challenges and develop strategies to address human and environmental exposure to pollutants. The model is designed for technical professionals.

EPA's Total Risk Integrated Methodology (TRIM) consists of three modules. One of these modules, the Environmental Fate, Transport, and Ecological Exposure (TRIM.FaTE), is a model that tracks the movement and changes of pollutants over time within a defined system. This system includes both living organisms and their surroundings. TRIM.FaTE calculates ecological and human health exposure estimates across different environmental areas. These estimates can then be used in human exposure models like TRIM's Exposure Event module (TRIM.Expo). Skilled modelers use this tool to understand how pollutants move through systems and how strategies can reduce human and environmental exposure to harmful substances.

A community can use this tracker to search for industrial facilities in their community that release toxic chemicals and consider adding strategies to reduce these types of releases in their project.

The TRI Program provides information on toxic chemical releases and pollution prevention efforts by industrial and federal facilities. It tracks certain toxic chemicals that can harm human health and the environment, such as those causing cancer or other health problems. TRI helps fill data gaps, gives a better view of environmental performance, identifies non-compliant facilities, and informs regulations and policies. The TRI Tracker lets you search for industrial facilities in your community releasing chemicals into the air, water, and land. You can find out what chemicals are released, efforts to reduce them, and potential health impacts.

A community can use this tool to view regional level climate change risks and see how other communities have been successful in addressing these risks.

The ARC-X is a useful tool for viewing information at the regional level about risks posed by climate change to your issues of concern; relevant adaptation strategies; case studies illustrating how other communities have successfully adapted to those risks and tools to replicate their successes; and EPA funding opportunities. Users select a region and area of interest (air, water, waste, public health, or adaptation planning) and the tool provides them with relevant links to visit.

A community can use this model to guide the development of strategies to address air pollution exposure challenges on human health. The model is designed for technical professionals.

The Human Exposure Modeling - HAPEM estimates inhalation exposure to different air toxics for specific population groups. It uses data on ambient air concentrations, indoor/outdoor environment relationships, population data, and human activity patterns to estimate a range of inhalation exposure concentrations for groups of people. HAPEM User’s Guides are available here.

A community can use this tool to identify and describe their community radon challenges and develop radon testing strategies to address these indoor air challenges.

EPA's Maps of Radon Zones identify areas in the United States with the highest potential for elevated indoor radon levels. They're based on data from radon measurements, geology, aerial radioactivity, soil, and foundation types. These maps help identify areas where radon could be a community concern and where testing strategies might be most effective. Each state's map comes with a background document explaining how this tool was developed, including the data sources used, conclusions drawn, and review process.

A community can use this tool to describe their community challenges related to areas of potential air quality issues and develop strategies to address air quality challenges.

This tool shows the distribution of heating fuel sources in the United States. It combines data from the U.S. Census Bureau's 2022 American Community Survey with census tract boundaries. The tool also includes layers for electric retail service territories and Tribal lands boundaries. Users can view both utility and non-utility fuel sources (like wood, propane, and coal) as well as electricity use and solar energy. Areas with non-utility heating fuel use can help identify places where air quality improvement strategies, such as wood stove change-outs and building electrification, may be beneficial.

This document presents strategies for reducing common pollution issues found in schools and child care centers.

There document contains information on common health risk issues in schools. Steps are provided to reduce environmental and pollution health threats to maintain a healthy classroom.

You can use this fact sheet to review recommendations for improving indoor air quality in buildings.

This document provides basic principles and general actions recommended to improve indoor air quality (IAQ) in buildings and reduce the risk of airborne spread of viruses and other contaminants. These actions are intended to support building owners and operators, as well as organizational leaders and decision makers, to make ventilation and other IAQ improvements.

You can use this site to find suggestions for reducing exposures and health impacts from wildfire smoke.

This site contains the Planning Framework for Protecting Commercial Building Occupants from Smoke During Wildfire Events. This framework is useful for reviewing recommendations for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) and building measures for reducing exposures and health impacts from smoke during wildfires and planned burn events. There are tips for making buildings “smoke ready” and developing smoke readiness plans.

You can use this tool to develop and consider strategies to improve public health by addressing air quality challenges. The site is designed for technical professionals.

The Environmental BenMAP-CE calculates the number and economic value of health impacts (deaths and illnesses) from changes in air quality, specifically ground-level ozone and fine particles. It comes with pre-loaded data sets including air quality, demographics, economic values, and concentration-response relationships. Users can also input their own data. The tool uses “health impact functions” based on published research and measures economic value using “Cost of Illness” and 'Willingness to Pay' metrics.  A variety of BenMAP-CE training materials are available, including self-paced exercises, online interactive modules, and instructor-led training. There are multiple tool versions available including  downloadable software and a webpage version:

A community can use this site to look up baseline air quality and trends specific to their location.

This website offers spreadsheets detailing air quality status and trends at the county and city level, using monitoring data from the EPA's Air Quality System (AQS) database. The data is up-to-date as of May 2, 2023.

A community can use this model to guide the development of strategies to address air pollution exposure challenges on human health. The model is designed for technical professionals.

The Human Exposure Modeling - HAPEM estimates inhalation exposure to different air toxics for specific population groups. It uses data on ambient air concentration, indoor/outdoor microenvironment relationships, population data, and human activity patterns to estimate a range of inhalation exposure concentrations for groups of people. HAPEM User’s Guides are available here.

A community can use this tool to assess potential risks to air quality and public health, aiding in strategies-making to address air pollution and promote public health. The data dashboard is designed for technical professionals.

The AirToxScreen is EPA's ongoing review of air toxics in the United States. It's a screening tool designed for state, local, and tribal agencies to assess outdoor air quality concerning air toxic emissions. AirToxScreen estimates the long-term cancer risks and chronic noncancer hazards from inhaling air toxics. The AirToxScreen Mapping Tool provides data from 2017 to 2019 down to the census tract level. It includes information on total cancer risks, breakdown by pollutant and emissions type, emissions data for point-source sectors, chronic noncancer hazard indexes, and air toxics monitoring data. A tutorial is available here:

A community can use this model to describe their community health challenges and develop strategies to address air toxin challenges. The model is designed for technical professionals.

The Human Exposure Model (HEM) is mainly used for assessing human health risks from sources emitting air toxics, like manufacturing facilities. It figures out how much of a substance in the air a person might be exposed to over their lifetime. These estimates help calculate cancer risk and noncancer hazard using unit risk estimates and inhalation reference concentrations, respectively. However, the exposure estimates are not precise as they don't account for factors like duration, human activity patterns, or residential occupancy period. It's important to note that the current version of HEM only considers inhalation exposure.

A community with a large facility(ies) can use this tool to describe their community challenges related to emissions and develop strategies to address those pollution challenges.

EPA's FLIGHT offers information on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from large U.S. facilities under the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP). FLIGHT provides data in various formats like maps, tables, charts, and graphs for individual facilities or groups. Users can search for specific facilities or filter data by state, county, fuel type, industry sectors, emission thresholds, and GHG type. It also allows comparison of emission trends over time.

A community with facility(ies) can use this dashboard to describe the community challenges related to emissions and develop strategies in combination with EJ indicators to address those emissions challenges.

EPA's GHGRP Demographic Data dashboard offers information about facilities reporting to the GHGRP in 2022 and demographic indicators of neighboring communities. If there are facilities in your community, the dashboard provides estimates of GHGRP coverage, emissions trends, emissions by state, gas, and process, as well as the number of reporters whose emissions exceed certain thresholds and the monitoring methods used.

A community can use this model to describe their community emissions challenges and develop transportation and air quality strategies to address emission challenges. The model is designed for technical professionals.

EPA's MOVES is a modeling system that estimates emissions from vehicles nationwide, down to county and project levels. It covers commonly found air pollutants, greenhouse gases, and air toxics.

A tribal community can use this tool to describe their community’s GHG emission challenges and develop strategies to address GHG emission challenges in different sectors.

EPA's Tribal Greenhouse Gas Inventory is a spreadsheet tool that calculates greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for various sectors like residential, commercial, transportation, and waste management. It has two modules: one for community-wide inventories and another for Tribal government operations. This tool helps Tribes quickly compile GHG inventories, which serve as a baseline for assessing changes from proposed strategies.

A community can use this tracker to search for industrial facilities in their community that release toxic chemicals and consider adding strategies to reduce these types of releases in their project.

The TRI Program provides information on toxic chemical releases and pollution prevention efforts by industrial and federal facilities. It tracks certain toxic chemicals that can harm human health and the environment, such as those causing cancer or other health problems. TRI helps fill data gaps, gives a better view of environmental performance, identifies non-compliant facilities, and informs regulations and policies. The TRI Tracker lets you search for industrial facilities in your community releasing chemicals into the air, water, and land. You can find out what chemicals are released, efforts to reduce them, and potential health impacts.

A community can use this tool to see how different proposed energy related policies and strategies might affect county-level changes in emissions.

This website hosts EPA's AVERT tool, which helps users assess how energy policies and projects impact emissions at the county level. Projects can involve energy efficiency, renewable energy deployments that cut down on generation, or policies increasing generation needs like electric vehicles and energy storage. Data is provided regionally, statewide, and by county. The Microsoft Excel version of the tool has more input options, output display options, and available data years and step-by-step instructions, a detailed AVERT user guide, and tutorial are available at this site.

A community can use this tool to develop and optimize strategies incorporating energy efficiency to benefit air quality and public health. The tool is designed for technical professionals.

EPA's ESIST is an Excel-based planning tool for analyzing energy efficiency (EE) programs. It helps assess energy savings, costs, and impacts on emissions, public health, and equity. Users can customize inputs like EE goals and budgets to study areas like states, utility types, or customer sectors. This tool is particularly useful for evaluating EE programs targeting low-income households and their benefits on energy burden and public health. Communities can use ESIST to develop effective energy-saving strategies by comparing savings, costs, and pollution reduction.

A community can use this tool to describe their community challenges related to areas of potential air quality issues and develop strategies to address air quality challenges.

This tool shows the distribution of heating fuel sources in the United States. It combines data from the U.S. Census Bureau's 2022 American Community Survey with census tract boundaries. The tool also includes layers for electric retail service territories and Tribal lands boundaries. Users can view both utility and non-utility fuel sources (like wood, propane, and coal) as well as electricity use and solar energy. Areas with non-utility heating fuel use can help identify places where air quality improvement strategies, such as wood stove change-outs and building electrification, may be beneficial.

A community can use this tool to view regional level climate change risks and see how other communities have been successful in addressing these risks.

The ARC-X is a useful tool for viewing information at the regional level about risks posed by climate change to your issues of concern; relevant adaptation strategies; case studies illustrating how other communities have successfully adapted to those risks and tools to replicate their successes; and EPA funding opportunities. Users select a region and area of interest (air, water, waste, public health, or adaptation planning) and the tool provides them with relevant links to visit.

You can use this presentation to gather useful tips on grant writing and find out about Department of Transportation (DOT) funding opportunities.

This DOT presentation is an overview of key resources on the DOT Navigator. The presentation also provides information on funding opportunities such as funding for Electric Vehicle (EV) chargers and DOT’s Low or No Emission Grant Program. Both the presentation and the DOT Navigator offer tools that can help you when applying for other federal grants.,13.1913,-46.3896,56.5319

You can use this tool to describe air quality challenges and develop strategies to address them.

The AirData Map contains recent and historical data from all EPA and related program air monitors in the U.S.. The site contains only basic data without additional context, but also has maps to show you whether your community has achieved basic air quality standards.

You can use this interactive air data map as a tool for monitoring air quality and identifying areas for improvement in protecting public health. The tool is designed for technical professionals.

This EPA tool allows users to view air quality data on a map. It gives access to real-time and historical data on the concentrations of various pollutants. You can navigate the map by selecting a state, and data will appear for the counties and cities where it was collected. You can plot data for up to 10 days at a time to analyze trends in the concentration of air pollutants over time or to compare data across different locations. The public can operate this tool, but the aid of an environmental scientist is helpful.

You can use CAMPD to get baseline air quality data for your area and help show improvements through proposed strategies. The tool is designed for technical professionals.

This tool allows users to create custom queries to access current and historic carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and mercury emissions data. It also includes allowance and compliance data, and details on individual power plants throughout the U.S. Users can download the Quick Start Guide for assistance.

From this CAMPD webpage you can download data files containing baseline air quality data for your area and help show improvements through proposed strategies. The tool is designed for technical professionals.

The CAMPD webpage allows users to create custom queries and download bulk datasets that contain current and historic carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and mercury emissions data, allowance and compliance data, and details on individual power plants throughout the U.S.

You can use this tool to describe emissions challenges, develop strategies, and choose the best strategies to address the challenges. The tool is designed for technical professionals.

The Decoupled Direct Method in Three Dimensions (DDM-3D) is a tool within the Community Multiscale Air Quality Modeling System (CMAQ), which is a set of free-to-use programs developed by the EPA. CMAQ-DDM-3D helps calculate the levels of air pollutants and how they deposit onto surfaces based on factors like emission rates, reaction rates, boundary and initial conditions, etc.  This tool can help you learn more about how changing the amount of pollution emitted by a city affects the concentration of pollutants in the air. It is helpful for studying emissions from different places like cities, states, or even entire countries, as well as from specific sources like wildfires or factories. This tool is geared to technical professionals.

You can use this tool to describe emissions challenges, develop strategies, and choose the best strategies to address the challenges. The tool is designed for technical professionals.

The Integrated Source Apportionment Method (ISAM) is a part of a set of free programs called the Community Multiscale Air Quality Modeling System (CMAQ), created by the EPA. ISAM helps figure out where pollutants in the air come from, like ozone and particulate matter. This model provides data about how much of these pollutants are in the air and where they end up.  For instance, you may want to know how much of the ozone in a city came from cars in a nearby state. ISAM helps answer these kinds of questions.

This website may be useful to you if you are designing a project that involves reducing lead levels in drinking water.

This website offers information about EPA's 3Ts Program, which stands for Training, Testing, and Taking action. It provides guidance on creating and implementing a voluntary program aimed at reducing lead levels in drinking water at local schools, childcare facilities, and state levels. Links are available to download the 3Ts Checklist, the3Ts Manual (also available in Spanish), and the module-based 3Ts Toolkit. In addition to the 3Ts Program, you can find resources tailored for schools, childcare facilities, and general best management practices. Case studies, webinars, fact sheets, FAQs, and funding and financing resources are included. Presentations from federal agencies, states, school districts, and water systems are also available.

You can use this document if you are designing a project related to lead service line replacement (LSLR) so you can read about challenges faced by similar projects and strategies used to overcome them to develop ideas to consider when designing their project.

This website contains a document from the EPA outlining challenges faced by communities regarding LSLR and strategies used by states and communities nationwide to address them. The document shows how increased public education, as proposed in the revised Lead and Copper Rule, motivates individual households’ LSLR. It includes case studies of states and local communities achieving full LSLR and discusses funding sources, communication, and LSLR considerations.

A community can use this tracker to search for industrial facilities in their community that release toxic chemicals and consider adding strategies to reduce these types of releases in their project.

The TRI Program provides information on toxic chemical releases and pollution prevention efforts by industrial and federal facilities. It tracks certain toxic chemicals that can harm human health and the environment, such as those causing cancer or other health problems. TRI helps fill data gaps, gives a better view of environmental performance, identifies non-compliant facilities, and informs regulations and policies. The TRI Tracker lets you search for industrial facilities in your community releasing chemicals into the air, water, and land. You can find out what chemicals are released, efforts to reduce them, and potential health impacts.

A community can use this interactive tool to access comprehensive information on water quality to describe potential environmental challenges and to aid in strategies-making to safeguard water resources and public health.

The USGS National Water Dashboard is an interactive tool providing real-time data on water resources like lakes, streams, and groundwater from over 13,000 stations across the country. However, these sensors might not be in your specific area, so data might not reflect your community directly. You can download data up to a week old to track environmental changes and assess risks like wildfires and floods.

A community can use this tool to view regional level climate change risks and see how other communities have been successful in addressing these risks.

The ARC-X is a useful tool for viewing information at the regional level about risks posed by climate change to your issues of concern; relevant adaptation strategies; case studies illustrating how other communities have successfully adapted to those risks and tools to replicate their successes; and EPA funding opportunities. Users select a region and area of interest (air, water, waste, public health, or adaptation planning) and the tool provides them with relevant links to visit.

A community can use these resources to assess, plan, and implement green infrastructure and nature-based strategies, focusing on the management of stormwater, improving water quality, and enhancing urban resilience.

This webpage offers eight resources developed by the EPA to help communities deal with stormwater runoff, a big pollution source in cities. While cities used to rely on gray infrastructure like pipes, they're now turning to green solutions like rainwater harvesting and permeable pavements for environmental, social, and economic benefits. These resources combine green and gray methods to help communities manage water sustainably and cope better with climate change. There's a 5-minute video explaining each resource and training materials are also available on the site.

A community can use this tracker to search for industrial facilities in their community that release toxic chemicals and consider adding strategies to reduce these types of releases in their project.

The TRI Program provides information on toxic chemical releases and pollution prevention efforts by industrial and federal facilities. It tracks certain toxic chemicals that can harm human health and the environment, such as those causing cancer or other health problems. TRI helps fill data gaps, gives a better view of environmental performance, identifies non-compliant facilities, and informs regulations and policies. The TRI Tracker lets you search for industrial facilities in your community releasing chemicals into the air, water, and land. You can find out what chemicals are released, efforts to reduce them, and potential health impacts.

A community can use this tool to view regional level climate change risks and see how other communities have been successful in addressing these risks.

The Climate Change Adaptation Resource Center is a useful tool for viewing information at the regional level about risks posed by climate change to your issues of concern; relevant adaptation strategies; case studies illustrating how other communities have successfully adapted to those risks and tools to replicate their successes; and EPA funding opportunities. Users select a region and area of interest (air, water, waste, public health, or adaptation planning) and the tool provides them with relevant links to visit.

A community can use this toolkit to develop and implement waste management programs, promote recycling, reduce waste, and advance environmental sustainability.

The toolkit analyzes data related to recycling programs to estimate the economic benefits associated with recycling. These benefits could include job creation, business growth, and cost savings. This tool is part of the EPA Circular Economy topic:

You can use this guidance as a resource for developing waste management strategies and ensuring efficient response and recovery efforts during natural disasters.

The document “Planning for Natural Disaster Debris (pdf),” provides guidance for pre- and post-natural disaster events to reduce debris and waste generation. This includes pre-disaster preparation, response actions, and recovery efforts. If your community does not already have strategies in place, it can adopt these to manage and reduce waste and debris with the overall goal of minimizing environmental impacts from climate-related events.

The Sustainable Materials Management webpage provides resources to learn about waste reduction and recycling programs that promote environmentally friendly practices.

These waste management strategies reduce greenhouse gasses emissions from waste.

A Tribal community can use this tool to describe their community’s GHG emission challenges and develop strategies to address GHG emission challenges in different sectors.

EPA's Tribal Greenhouse Gas Inventory is a spreadsheet tool that calculates greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for various sectors like residential, commercial, transportation, and waste management. It has two modules: one for community-wide inventories and another for Tribal government operations. This tool helps Tribes quickly compile GHG inventories, which serve as a baseline for assessing changes from proposed strategies.

A community can use the tools and resources in this website to assess their vulnerability to climate change, identify adaptation and resilience strategies, and take action to build resilience.

This initiative is part of the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP). The website covers topics like extreme weather, rising sea levels, droughts, floods, and heatwaves. It offers access to hundreds of tools and resources for different sectors and regions, like agriculture, coastal areas, health, Tribal nations, and infrastructure.

A community can use this tool to view regional level climate change risks and see how other communities have been successful in addressing these risks.

The ARC-X is a useful tool for viewing information at the regional level about risks posed by climate change to your issues of concern; relevant adaptation strategies; case studies illustrating how other communities have successfully adapted to those risks and tools to replicate their successes; and EPA funding opportunities. Users select a region and area of interest (air, water, waste, public health, or adaptation planning) and the tool provides them with relevant links to visit.

A Tribal community can use this website to learn more about green products and buildings and funding opportunities and read success stories about similar projects.

This website focuses on green building, or sustainable design, tailored to Tribal communities. It offers links to learn about green products, funding, and success stories. There's also a Tribal Green Building Toolkit with case studies to help prioritize building projects for your Tribal community.

You can use this toolkit to learn how to create a plan for carrying out a project and how to act upon this plan.

The ATSDR evaluates and protects community health from the effects of exposure to hazardous substances in the environment. ATSDR developed the Action Model Toolkit to provide a step-by-step guide with videos on how to create a plan for conducting an improvement project in your community. It explains how to identify a problem facing your community, build a team of people who share your concerns, create workshops, continue progress towards project goals, and identify funding needs. The goal of the ATSDR Action Model is to achieve positive, lasting improvements in overall community health.

You can use this webpage as a template for developing a collaborative governance structure and community engagement priorities.

This site contains a link to E-Enterprise for the Environment, which is a collaborative partnership through which EPA, states, and Tribes work together to improve the way we protect the environment and human health. For more information refer to the E-Enterprise Fact Sheet.

You can use this page to understand how the Justice40 initiative can benefit and impact your community.

The Biden Administration has made it a goal that 40 percent of certain federal funding initiatives are to be directed to disadvantaged communities. Because these communities have been so negatively impacted, the Justice40 categories focus on investments in climate change, clean energy and energy efficiency, clean transit, affordable and sustainable housing, training and workforce development, remediation and reduction of legacy pollution, and the development of critical clean water and wastewater infrastructure.

The handbook provides information on Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) and how to create a QAPP.

Included in the handbook are tools for quality assurance and methods for environmental data collection. This resource is aimed at organizations working with the public on collecting environmental data.

This webpage has guidance on how to develop a performance management plan and understand how to measure and ensure high quality outcomes.

Program evaluation and performance measurement work together to identify areas of improvement and show progress toward your goals. A program sets performance measures as a series of goals to meet over time. Program evaluations assess whether your program is meeting those performance measures.

This webpage contains guidance on creating a performance management plan that includes how your project’s outcomes will benefit the environment.

EPA requires that work funded through grant programs further the EPA mission by achieving environmental benefits for the taxpayer. This resource will help you create a performance engagement plan that outlines the link between your proposed project and the environmental benefits of that work.

You can use this training to learn about key aspects of grant budget development.

You can use this training when preparing proposed work plans, budgets, and budget narratives for EPA grants. The course is divided into separate modules that you can complete one by one: Module 1: General principles and consideration, Module 2: Direct costs, Module 3: Other direct costs, and Module 4: Indirect Costs.

You can use this document for cost and budget guidance related to EPA grants and cooperative agreements.

This interim guidance document is for applicants and recipients of EPA financial assistance and provides information to help them create and submit project budgets. Factors considered are cost categories such as personnel and fringe benefits, travel, equipment, supplies, construction, indirect costs, and contractual obligations.

You can use this training to learn how indirect cost rates are calculated and approved.

The indirect cost training gives an overview of how to calculate and approve indirect cost rates. Presenters explain EPA’s Indirect Cost Rate Policy and the Indirect Cost Rate Agreement Terms and Conditions, and review which rates are allowable for different recipient types.

You can use this document to learn about the trainings that new grant awardees must complete before receiving grant funding.

This document can be used to learn about the trainings that new grant awardees and applicants must complete before receiving grant funding and helps to prepare them to manage funds in compliance with all federal regulations and EPA-specific policies.

You can use this training to learn about key aspects of the entire grant lifecycle.

This online training course reviews key points in the lifecycle of a grant, from preparation of an application through grant closeout. The course is divided into separate modules that can be completed one by one: Module 1: Introduction to EPA Grants, Module 2: Demonstrating Financial Management System and Internal Controls Capability, Module 3: Applying for a Grant, Module 4: Accepting a Grant Award, Module 5: Managing a Grant, and Module 6: Closing out a Grant.

You can use this page to learn more about how to manage a federal grant.

The grants management page explains the potential tasks involved in managing the phases of a federal grant, including: Full Award Lifecycle, Pre-Award Phase, Award Phase, and Post-Award Phase. The page also provides resources on the following topics: Grants 101, Grant Policies, Grant Eligibility, Grant Terminology, Grant-Making Agencies, Grant Systems, Grant Programs, Grant Careers, Grant Reporting, and Grant Fraud.

You can use this page to determine if your organization and partners are eligible to apply for a Community Change Grant (CCG).

To be eligible to apply for a Community Change Grant, an applicant must partner with another organization. Eligible partnerships can be between two Community-Based Nonprofit Organizations (CBOs), or be between a CBO and one or more of the following: a federally recognized Tribe, a local government, or an institution of higher education.

You can use this document to find out the best practices for obtaining services, supplies, and equipment under the Community Change Grant (CCG) program.

The best practice guide helps you comply with competitive contracting requirements and other rules when spending federal funds and administering EPA-funded contracts. For example, it explains unique EPA limits on expenditures for consulting services.

You can use this training to learn about procurement regulations and requirements.

This training covers procurement regulations and requirements. More specifically, it discusses best practices for contracts, consultants, equipment, and supply purchases; review of subawards; and participant support costs.